Attention Online Business Owners, Coaches & Creators

Unlock 20 Extra Hours Per Week and Boost Your Sales

With IGNITE Pro Membership
Are you an online business owner, coach, or creator struggling to balance your workload and achieve your sales goals, but not sure how? 

IGNITE Pro membership is the game changer you've been looking for. By harnessing the power of AI, optimizing your mindset, and implementing effective sales strategies, membership empowers you to reclaim up to 20 extra hours every week while skyrocketing your sales. 

Your Challenges

  • Overwhelming To-Do List: Is your to-do list growing faster than you can keep up, leaving you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?

  • Email Overload: Do you find yourself drowning in a sea of emails, meetings, and notifications, struggling to stay organized and prioritize effectively?

  • Lack of Direction: Do you often feel like you're lacking direction and clarity, unsure of how to set meaningful goals and make progress towards them?

  • Tech Frustration: Are you constantly battling with complex tech tools, tangled processes, and overwhelming systems that leave you feeling frustrated and stuck?

  • Work-Life Imbalance: Do you struggle to find a balance between work and personal life, often sacrificing your well-being for the sake of productivity?

The Solution: 
IGNITE Pro Membership

Achieve More, Faster.

With IGNITE Pro, you get:

Training & Support

Access to training, coaching, mindset audios and community support.

Time Maximization

Tools to stay present, maximize time, and increase sales.

AI Automation

Leverage AI to automate tasks and supercharge your productivity.

Unlimited Resources

Access to courses, templates, AI assistants, downloads and resources.

The IGNITE Framework

The IGNITE Pro membership includes the IGNITE Framework, a 6 stage process designed to help you with productivity, mindset, systems and accountability.

Each stage of the framework points you to specific resources within the comprehensive toolkit, ensuring you have everything you need to succeed including videos, AI assistants, downloads and more. 
Identify Goals

Start with a clear plan and set achievable goals.

Gain Motivation

Develop a growth mindset and build productive habits.

Navigate Obstacles

Identify what’s in your way and evaluate the options to solve the problem.

Innovate Strategies

What isn’t working and what can you do differently? e.g. AI tools, automation, problem solving methods.

Time Mastery

Maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout by working on the top 20% and using the A.I.M method to stay on top of the other 80%.

Execute Priorities

Regularly assess your progress and adjust your strategies against measured targets.

Meet Your Impact Coach

Edmund is a certified CIPD L&D professional, trained hypnotist and productivity expert who has worked with over 100 business owners.

His mission is to support online service based business owners to setup success habits and systems so they can focus on delivering for clients without having to work extra hours or stress about tech.

BA (Hons), PGCE, MSc, Tap. Cert, RTTP, C.Hyp, ACIPD

What Clients Say

What do previous clients say who have worked with Edmund?

Teresa increased productivity by approx 65% after just one week.

Here's What You're Getting



Best for those who want to optimise their mindset, workflow and results in a supportive community

£97 £37/m

**62% off** limited time only
  • Budget Friendly: Get access to everything for only £1.22 a day which is less than a cup of coffee

  • IGNITE Framework: Learn the IGNITE framework to optimize your mindset and workflow.

  • Hypnosis and Mindfulness Audios: Unlimited access including app for offline use.

  • AI Assistant Library: Monthly inclusive access to AI support for sales, marketing, mindset and productivity using the latest model.

  • Course Library: Over 30 courses covering productivity, AI, digital tools, sales, mindset and marketing hacks

  • Comprehensive Resources: Access to all hubs and resources (performance, mindset, AI assistant, sales, knowledge, automation).

  • Community Access: Join the online community and private member chat for support & accountability.

  • AI Tool Recommendations: Learn about faster ways of working with an AI assistant trained on over 2000 suggestions.

  • Automation & SOPs: Learn how to automate processes, create SOPs and track your time.

  • Templates & Checklist: Speed up productivity and leverage AI & habits to increase sales

  • ChatGPT Prompt Library: Access to a library of 15,000 prompts to 10x your productivity.

Get inclusive bonus add-ons worth over £997.
  • Unlimited access to all monthly events and workshops reg. price £197

  • Unlimited access to all short courses and programmes reg. price £997

  • Unlimited access to all resource downloads in the Vault reg. price £197

  • Locked in pricing - even if price rises you’ll stay on current price while subscription is active -invaluable

Cancel Anytime

What Will You Be Doing?

As part of membership, you'll be:

Creating Digital Products

Learn how to leverage AI to create lead magnets quickly.

Automating Processes

Automate processes / systems to save time & increase productivity.

Building Landing Pages

Create high converting pages to sell your knowledge.

Staying Accountable

Use the group chat feature or community to stay accountable.

Staying Ahead

Learn about new tech tools and how to leverage them.

Building Resilience

Listen to hypnosis / mindfulness tracks and take part in events.

Your Investment

So that's over £2000 worth of value for only for only £37 per month for a limited time.

Cancel anytime.

Ready for the next step?


How come it's at this price?

When I started into coaching, I ended up buying several different resources.

Each varied in price however I never found exactly what I wanted which is why I ended up going off and creating a resource site to support other business owners with mindset, habits, systems and accountability.

I have priced at this point to give new coaches, creators and business owners a chance to use the resources and start seeing results.

I won’t be keeping at that price forever but in the short term I hope that members will appreciate what I am trying to do, recommend me and want to work with me further.

I don’t do hidden upsells as I don’t like that practice.

Reach out if you have any more questions.

Is this right for you?

Are you a service based business owner?

The service is focused on service based business owners (solopreneurs), coaches and creators that want more revenue & time freedom so that they can streamline their workflow while working less.

Does this sound like you?

Is your to-do list growing faster than you can keep up, leaving you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?

Do you struggle to find a balance between work and personal life, often sacrificing your well-being for the sake of productivity?

Do you find yourself drowning in a sea of emails, meetings, and notifications, struggling to stay organized and prioritize effectively?

Do you often feel like you're lacking direction and clarity, unsure of how to set meaningful goals and make progress towards them?

Are you constantly battling with complex tech tools, tangled processes, and overwhelming systems that leave you feeling frustrated and stuck?

What You Struggle With

Do you find it challenging to remember how all the moving parts or tools in your business operate and you end up doing things ad hoc rather than on an organised schedule?

Do you often feel stuck and find yourself procrastinating when you know there are important tasks to be done?

Do you find yourself regularly worrying and overthinking about past or future events?

Do you find it challenging to establish clear boundaries between work and personal life, leading to a constant feeling of being "on" and unable to unwind?

Are you craving a change in your habits and routines, knowing deep down that they are holding you back from reaching your full potential?

Are you doubting whether you'll be able to continue at this pace and eventually have to give up on your dream of having a business that can give you the lifestyle you want but also the right work life balance?

Would You Like to Feel

Accomplished and proud of yourself for being able to setup automations / leverage AI to reclaim lost time in your business?

Happy and in a positive mindset knowing you are good enough and can push through difficult situations?

In control with a personal dashboard and action plan of what to work on and have support in place to help with technical questions?

More balanced with opportunities to review your calendar and plan in self-care so you can think more clearly?

Proud of your purpose and confident to tell your friends / family how you can work less hours but get a lot done with a smile on your face rather than avoiding replying when people ask why you're always behind a laptop

Empowered to charge your worth and feel good about what it is you offer and how it positively impacts on clients

Will I see results in less than 90 days?

Many clients report results even after just a week.

It can take time to form new habits and that’s where the big results show.

When you first start doing something e.g. automating new processes it can take time to test and get into a habit of using that free time to do other beneficial things like more sales calls or time with friends / family.

90 days is a reasonable amount of time to set aside if you are seeking big changes however the courses and resources are designed for fast implementation.

Can I try risk free?

I'm convinced you'll love the community and the resources however you'll get 14 days to refund provided you haven't downloaded digital resources. I can do a personalised demo and take you through the site. If it's not for you then let's shake hands and wish each other the best.

Can habits and mindset really affect results?

Yes. Changing habits is important to see long term results but most people don't stick with them long enough. Read this research report by Duke University to learn more about how habits affect decision-making.

How much time do I need to make the most of the membership?

You can listen to hypnosis audios during the night to get the benefits during the day.

The video content, templates and checklists are designed to be implemented quickly.

Taking action on the items in the IGNITE framework can mean less than 30 mins every day, however it’s the consistency that will pay off for you which is why I also focus on habits.

Are there any hidden fees or additional costs?

The good news is that the answer is no.

I like to keep things simple. One price to access the website features and all courses.

The only add-on that is not included in the main membership is the IGNITE dashboard.

This is another platform that allows for tracking habits and tasks.

Its an optional extra and is the only thing that’s not included in membership.

Are there any high ticket upsells?

No. It’s possible to work with me in a group or 1:1 capacity however that’s only if you’d really prefer that option and need more intensive support.

There are no forced upsells because I don’t like that as a customer myself when it happens.

Why is there an audio membership?

I offer an audio only membership where clients can download mindfulness and hypnosis audios.

They come as part of IGNITE Pro however I appreciate that some clients might only want the audios so you can just signup directly via the app.

What is the IGNITE framework, dashboard and toolkit?

The IGNITE framework is a 6 step process designed to help you clarify goals, optimise your workflow and mindset in a structured way.

I wanted to create a separate optional dashboard where clients could go and create their own goals, track tasks / habits to stay accountable if they didn’t already have a tool to do that.

I use the dashboard during group bootcamps and with 1:1 clients to agree actions however anyone can signup to use it as their own individual personal organiser.

The toolkit is a selection of resources that I have curated to help you implement what is taught in the framework even faster.

This includes templates, checklists, downloads and even AI assistants

What benefit does the IGNITE dashboard have over Notion for example?

Notion is a fantastic tool and if you are using it to stay on track that’s ok.

The main benefit is that in this system you can track tasks and habits (plus metrics) with automatic reminders to keep you accountable.

What is the difference between the IGNITE framework and toolkit?

The IGNITE framework is a proven six-step solution that empowers you to take control of your productivity, achieve your goals, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

It provides a structured approach to planning your week, optimizing your workflow, and developing a growth mindset.

On the other hand, the IGNITE toolkit is a library of resources and systems designed to empower you to implement what you learn in the framework even faster.

It includes AI tools, bite-sized videos, AI coaching, prompt productivity assistance, automation and workflow guidance, and sales resources.

Both the framework and toolkit are included as part of your IGNITE membership, providing you with a comprehensive solution to boost your productivity and achieve your desired outcomes

Unlock 20 Extra Hours Per Week And Boost Your Sales With IGNITE Pro Membership

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